Fruit or Vegetable?

This sign reads: “Fruit or vegetable? Many of the food we think of as vegetables are actually fruit! In biology, a fruit comes from the seed-bearing structure of a flowering plant. A vegetable is any other edible part of a plant.
Fun fact! In cooking, fruits and vegetables are viewed somewhat differently. Fruits are mainly sweet or sour, while vegetables are more savory. Even though corn, peas, cucumbers, and tomatoes, are botanically fruits, we group them as vegetables because of the flavor profile.”
The sign features a drawing with fruit on the left and vegetables on the right. Fruits are labeled as “food that has seeds and sprouted from a flower.” The vegetables are labeled as “seedless foods that come from the root, stem, leaf, or flower of a plant.” The fruit side has grapes, strawberries, apples, kiwiberry, pumpkins, tomatoes, and corn. The corn is labeled as follows: “Botanically speaking, corn is a fruit. It is produced from the flower or the ovary of the corn plant. But in the kitchen, corn is a grain and a vegetable.” The vegetable side shows kale, potatoes, onions, and broccoli, which is labeled to say “broccoli heads are actually edible flower buds.”